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Superannuation or Retirement Benefit Scam

Superannuation or Retirement Benefit scams

Superannuation and retirement fraud has become a major concern for our clients in recent years. We have received several reports of unscrupulous fraudsters attempting to gather, exploit and steal both the hard-earned savings and identities of their victims. These fraudsters are becoming increasingly cunning in their tactics, with some offering to withdraw super or move it to a self-managed super fund (SMSF) in order to trick people into giving them money.

If you Suspect that you have been targeted by a superannuation fund or Retirement benefit scam, it is crucial that you take immediate action. Please contact our investigators, who will work to uncover actionable evidence to help you prosecute the culprit behind the crime and recover your retirement Savings. Our success in Bursting Superannuation or Retirement Benefit scams

Our Process

1. Expert investigations

Our company, Opto Intelligence, is known for its expert investigations in taking down fraudulent superannuation and retirement scam worldwide. We have a team of experienced investigators, researchers, and analysts who bring the truth to light with exceptional skill.

2. Global Connections

Opto Intelligence has established global partnerships with various law enforcement agencies to combat  superannuation and retirement scam. We provide concrete evidence of fraud and the identity of those responsible, enabling legal action to be taken to recover funds.

3. Total Discretion

We prioritize our client’s privacy and handle all inquiries regarding Superannuation or Retirement Benefit scams with the utmost discretion and care. We use encryption to protect personal information, and case details are kept confidential until we have permission to share them.

Superannuation or Retirement Benefit Scam FAQs

What is a superannuation scam?

 Superannuation fraud refers to any illegal activity involving the manipulation or misuse of funds within a superannuation (retirement savings) account. This can include actions such as identity theft, fraudulent withdrawals, or misrepresentation of information to access funds improperly. It is important for the individuals to safeguard their superannuation accounts and report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities to prevent and address instances of fraud.

Can your super be stolen?

Superannuation funds can be stolen, and sharing personal information with scammers can lead to losing your entire retirement savings, with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) reporting consumers losing over $6.4 million to superannuation scams in 2020.

How do I avoid falling victim to a super fund scam?

-Avoid engaging with advertisements that purport to offer a quick and convenient way to access your super early.

-Check your super balance and contact details regularly to ensure everything looks right. If you suspect that something is wrong, contact your super fund immediately for an explanation.

-Protect your personal details by shredding sensitive documents after use, being careful on social media and using secure passwords.

-Avoid dealing with any so-called ‘expert’ if they are not listed as licenced to set up or manage super funds on ASIC’s website. Select ‘Australian Financial Services Licensee’ in the drop-down menu to search for someone’s credentials. You can also check if they’ve been disqualified on the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)’s Disqualified Register.

How long will a super fund scam investigation take?

Superannuation scam investigations typically take one to three months, depending on the scam’s complexity and legal action. If successful, investigators can collaborate with law enforcement to file search warrants or criminal charges, a lengthy and complex process that may extend the time frame.

Can I recover funds stolen by a superannuation scam?

It is challenging to recover funds that have been stolen in a superannuation scam.

If your retirement savings have been lost through identity theft, you may be able to apply for a Commonwealth Victim’s Certificate, which can assist you in requesting for your financial institution or super fund to remove a fraudulent transaction.

Additionally, Opto Intelligence asset recovery services combine cyber intelligence, investigations and on-the-ground monitoring to track down stolen assets. Please contact us today for more information.

Is my data safe and secure with Opto Intelligence?

Yes, we prioritize data security and confidentiality. We employ robust security measures to safeguard your information throughout the recovery process.

How much does it cost to investigate a superannuation scam?

The cost of investigating a superannuation scam depends on the complexity and magnitude of the scam, the extent of your losses, and the jurisdiction where the perpetrators operated.

Before commencing the investigation, our team of investigators will present you with a comprehensive proposal outlining the estimated budget required to maximize the chances of a successful resolution.

What is the probability of a successful investigation?

The success of an investigation depends on the specific circumstances of your case. The more actionable evidence our investigators can uncover, the higher the likelihood of bringing the orchestrator to court. After initial consultation, we perform a preliminary assessment to determine if to initiate the investigation.

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    Contact@optointelligence.com Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00


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