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Romance Scam Investigations

Romance Scam

Romance scams are on the rise, targeting individuals through online dating apps and text messages. Scammers use deceptive tactics to build trust before defrauding victims of their money. This type of fraud is not limited to single individuals, as even married people can fall victim to elaborate schemes disguised as deep and  intellectual conversations. Wealthy individuals, particularly Chinese immigrants in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe, are often targeted. In 2021, there was an aggregated sum of over $580 million lost to Online dating/Romance scams between the United States and Australia according to Scamwatch in the same year.

These scams not only result in financial losses but also emotional distress, straining relationships with loved ones. At Opto Intelligence, our skilled investigators specialize in uncovering evidence of dating and romance scams globally. We are dedicated to helping victims seek justice and move forward. Schedule a consultation with us to begin the process.

Recovering Stolen Assets of a Romance Fraud

Recovering stolen assets from a romance scam is a challenging task and sometimes, it may not be possible to retrieve them. However, we have been able to conduct successful recovery operations by maintaining close relationships with local and foreign law enforcement agencies. A thorough investigation is required in a romance fraud case, which should be reported in a manner that allows law enforcement agencies to use the evidence gathered to act quickly. This may include executing subpoenas, freezing wallets holding stolen assets, obtaining KYC information, and so on. A romance scam investigation can take time, and it requires a high level of diligence and expertise. Quality investigation covering all areas:

Our Process

a) Preliminary investigations

b) Geo-locating Perpetrators (scammers)

c) Tracing and Tracking stolen assets

d) Liaison with local law enforcement for subpoenas, arrests, forfeiture and more.


What is a romance scam?

Scammers use sophisticated techniques to con people into falling in love and falling for their fictitious profiles. Then, taking advantage of emotions and giving misleading information, they demand money and private information. To start an inquiry if you’ve fallen victim to this kind of fraud, get in touch with Opto Intelligence. These frauds are frequently carried out by criminal syndicates and can be rather complex.

Can you get scammed on a dating site?

Criminals are using dating sites and apps to deceive vulnerable users by using fake identities. Online romance scams are a major threat to people of all ages. Falling victim to these scams can have serious and even deadly consequences. It’s important to stay alert and be aware of the warning signs of romance scams, especially since they frequently target older individuals who may be more prone to deception.

How long will a romance scam investigation take?

Investigations into romance scams usually span from one to three months, varying based on the complexity of the scam and the possibility of pursuing legal action against those responsible. In the event that the perpetrator is identified, our investigators can work in conjunction with law enforcement to seek search warrants or pursue criminal charges.

What do I do if I have been scammed online dating?

– If you suspect a romance scam, report it to the dating platform or social media platform where the scammer contacted you, detailing the scammer’s profile and any information that may help regulators shut down the account.

– Notify financial institutions and freeze your bank accounts and credit cards.

– If money has been stolen, report it to your local police and contact Opto Intelligence to initiate an investigation into the scam.

How long will a romance scam investigation take?

Romance scam investigations tend to take between one and three months. This time frame ranges according to the sophistication of the scam and whether you would like to take legal action against its orchestrator(s).

If the perpetrator is identified and tracked down, our investigators can work closely with law enforcement officials to help file search warrants and/or criminal charges against them – a complicated task that may extend the overall process.

How much does it cost to investigate a romance scam?

The cost of romance fraud investigation rests in the complexity of the circumstances at hand, the losses incurred, and the jurisdiction in which the offence has been committed.

Prior to beginning the investigation, our investigators will provide you with a personalised proposal that breaks down a recommended budget to maximise the chances of a successful outcome.

Can you get scammed on a dating site?

Criminals are exploiting dating sites and apps to deceive vulnerable users through the use of false identities. Online romance scams pose a significant threat to individuals across all age groups. The consequences of falling victim to these scams can be perilous and even fatal. It is essential to remain vigilant and recognize warning signs of romance scams, as these schemes often target older individuals who may be more susceptible to deception.

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