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What people say about us
  • Larry Pierce
    Ottawa, Canada
    March 3, 2021
    • It is unimaginable i could be the one narrating this ugly ride that happened for about a year. in 2020 during the pandemic, I was having some thoughts and i came to a conclusion with my wife about investing and trading while at home we make a profit from the comfort of our home, I was on my Facebook scrolling and just as if we spoke to a genie, we were getting a lot of options concerning Stock trading and forex, but there was one that stocks out “Binary Options” and that was it. The preference for binary options felt real and convincing because it was a smart way to make fast ROI while you able to do a lot more within the hours of the day.

      Just in the process of considering our options, we got a call right away from a sales trader who introduced us to their company and how we could make good on profits, and other benefits ranging from Robot Trading and 24-hour trading advice, it felt safe a good way to make investments in the pandemic, we got signed up on their very beautiful and professional trading website and easy to use mobile devices. Trading felt good we were making more money losing some just classic trading routine. We got so comfortable with their service and trading practice and in less than a year with well-calibrated baiting strategies, we were parting ways with over $210,000. Then the strategy was advanced by putting us in touch with a senior partner in the firm who was also a trader, he advised there were some insured trades in which top traders around the world pay, and these trades are guaranteed to make profits but they cost a little 0f $4,000. By this time, we had more than that in our portfolio and we tried to make some withdrawals for these “insured trades”. This was when we found out we were unable to make withdrawals except we paid times 10 what we had in our portfolio, It was indeed a trying time for us because we reached out to the law enforcement bodies and justice systems to investigate this crime and we were told about a whole file dedicated to this company and a backlog of victims who fell prey to this scams.

      We tried all possible ways to recover our money for two years by reaching out to our banks and payment services, but unfortunately, we were unsuccessful because they made the transaction permissible. However, this week, I decided not to give up and started searching for scam recovery businesses. That’s when I came across Opto Intelligence and filled out an inquiry form. Within 24 hours, they called me back, and the conversation I had with Peter was very rewarding. He was very professional and reassuring. He listened to my situation with a compassionate heart and provided me with expert advice. I felt hopeful and relieved after speaking with him as if I had already received the funds. “It felt very reassuring because, for a long time, we were burdened with guilt for being gullible and couldn’t talk to anyone about what we had experienced. But, it has been three months now, and I’m happy with the progress of the investigation. The culprits have been identified, and a detailed report has been sent to law enforcement agencies, revealing a highly sophisticated fraud network operating across three continents with no physical addresses. The money trail has been traced to banks, and the local banks are cooperating with law enforcement authorities in identifying the individuals and making restitution for the damages caused. I’m deeply grateful to Opto Intelligence for making this nightmare pass and bringing joy back to many people’s lives.

      If you suspect that you’ve been scammed or notice anything suspicious about an investment, don’t let fear, doubt or shame hold you back from seeking help. Contact Opto Intelligence immediately. I thank Opto Intelligence for restoring my faith in humanity and independent businesses.


      March 4, 2021

      Dear Larry,

      Thank you for sharing your harrowing experience with us during this difficult time. We understand that it can be hard to come to terms with falling victim to a scam, but it’s important to remember that these fraudsters are highly skilled and can be difficult to spot. At Opto Intelligence, we believe that education is key to preventing these types of crimes from happening in the first place.

      We offer a range of services to help people who have fallen victim to scams, including tracing, investigating, and recovering lost digital assets. Our team of experts has experience dealing with a wide variety of scams, from binary options to forex and cryptocurrency scams. We pride ourselves on using the latest technologies and techniques to recover lost funds and bring scammers to justice.

      We understand that every case is unique, and we work closely with our clients to provide individualized solutions that meet their specific needs. Whether you are looking to recover lost funds or simply want advice on how to avoid future scams, our team is here to help.

      We also believe in transparency and accountability, which is why we are always happy to share our success stories with potential clients. If you’re interested in hearing more about our past successes, or if you have any questions about our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

      Thank you again for sharing your story with us, Larry. We hope that we can help bring justice and closure to your situation.


      Tracy Radcliffe
      Opto Intelligence

  • Terry Morgan
    San Bernardino, USA
    July 9, 2022
    • I recently lost $85,000 to a Ponzi investment scheme. It all started well and it seemed I was making money but then they kept asking for more and more deposits to receive money I had already earned. By that point, I just wanted my money back. They could keep the money earned. I went through the original company my bank. All not very helpful. Thank you Opto Intelligence for your time and hard work, i am currently filling a suite with the faceless company that operates here on American soil.

      Opto Intelligence is highly skilled in this field of investigation and repatriation, I am super happy I took the leap by speaking to their customer service representative who is equally professional in dealing with clients who just lost some money.


      July 10, 2022
      Dear Larry,

      Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We are sorry to hear about the difficulties you faced during this pandemic period. We always advise our clients not to blame themselves for falling for these types of scams, as these crimes are often carried out by highly sophisticated networks of professional criminals with access to resources to perpetrate such deception. Reports have shown that victims of these crimes can come from all walks of life, including financial professionals and top government agents.

      At Opto Intelligence, we always encourage and applaud anyone who takes the bold step of seeking justice. Contrary to popular belief, these crimes can be investigated, traced, and retrieved, regardless of the time it takes. Your feedback is a clear indication that we are achieving our objective of disrupting these schemes, obtaining justice, and restoring faith and happiness to victims of these crimes. We are pleased to have been of assistance.


      Tracy Radcliffe
      Opto Intelligence

  • Agnes Tonelli
    March 23,2023
    • Dear all,

      I would like to share my experience with Opto Intelligence Company, which specializes in investigating, prosecuting, and recovering stolen or lost digital assets, including cryptocurrencies. In January, I joined an investment cryptocurrency scheme called “Merry Currency,” which promised moderate but interesting ROI. I made a deposit, and my returns started growing. However, I tried to withdraw my funds, but I couldn’t, and I eventually found out that my account had been deleted, and my membership had been restricted.

      I invested 50,000 CHF initially and added an extra 25,000 CHF, making a total investment worth 75,000 CHF, which eventually grew to about 101,000 CHF. I felt guilty for falling for such a scam, even though it felt too real. I tried all means possible to recover my funds, but it felt impossible until I came across a post on Quora with several reviews and testimonies about how helpful Opto Intelligence Company had been.

      I reached out to them, laid out my complaints, and followed all the processes provided by Sofia, the accounting personnel designated for my case. Agnes was highly professional in her service, had excellent communication skills, and was able to walk me through all that was required for my request. She shared progress reports with me, gave instructions on what was required, and made the recovery process very easy. Opto Intelligence Company was able to uncover the investment scam and get justice after some litigation processes.

      My satisfaction with their services has made me happy to give a review of their services and my experience with the company. If you have fallen victim to a scam, do not let guilt, disbelief, or doubt stop you from getting your funds back. Book an appointment with Opto Intelligence Company as they are the only option to getting justice and getting a refund.

      Best regards,


      March 24, 2023

      Dear Agnes,

      We appreciate your feedback and are delighted to hear that our services were able to assist you in recovering your lost funds. At Opto Intelligence, we strive to provide our clients with the best possible service and to help them navigate the complex process of recovering lost digital assets.

      Our team of experts is always ready to listen to your concerns and provide expert advice to help you recover your funds. We understand how stressful it can be to fall victim to a scam, and we are committed to providing our clients with the support they need to get back on track.

      We are grateful for your kind words and are pleased to have been able to assist you in your recovery process. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

      Thank you again for your feedback, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


      Tracy Radcliffe
      Opto Intelligence

  • Sarah O'Brian
    May24, 2023
    • Hello! I am Sarah O’Brian, a single mother of four and a chartered accountant. Some time ago, I decided to invest in cryptocurrencies. I placed an initial investment of $102,000 with a fraudulent broker, 24**.com, and was informed that my money had grown to $250,700. The investment quickly grew within a few weeks, bringing me great satisfaction. However, when I attempted to withdraw my funds, my request was denied. After numerous unsuccessful attempts, I realized that I had fallen victim to a Bitcoin scam.

      The situation began to impact my work performance, prompting my boss to inquire about my concerns. I shared my experiences with the fraudulent company, which led to a turning point in my life. Fortunately, my boss had dealt with a similar situation involving his younger sister and introduced me to Opto Intelligence. Through Opto Intelligence, I gained a deeper understanding of the extent of the scam.

      As investigations unfolded, it became apparent that the scam company had numerous complaints against it. However, law enforcement agencies were either inactive or lacked the expertise to prosecute such crimes. I decided to pursue legal action with the evidence gathered by Opto Intelligence. The judicial process proved to be lengthy due to the substantial funding and support behind the criminal group. Despite the challenges, my case contributed to the investigation of other victims, leading to justice for those who had lost their funds.

      I am grateful to Mike for his diligent efforts and patience in resolving this case.

      Admin May 26, 2023

      Dear Sarah

      Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We understand how difficult it can be to fall victim to cryptocurrency fraud, and we’re sorry that you had to go through that experience. It’s encouraging to hear that your boss was able to provide you with access to Opto Intelligence and that we were able to assist you in resolving your dispute with the fraudulent broker.

      At Opto Intelligence, we take pride in our work and are committed to helping our clients in whatever way possible. We understand the complexities and challenges associated with cryptocurrency fraud, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients get the justice they deserve. We’re glad that we were able to provide you with the support and guidance you needed to navigate this difficult situation.

      We appreciate your patience throughout the investigative process, and we’re glad that we were able to help you and other victims of this fraudulent scheme. We hope that you can move forward with peace of mind, knowing that justice has been served. If you or anyone you know ever needs our services again, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


      Tracy Radcliffe
      Opto Intelligence

  • Leigh Manske
    June 10, 2023
    • My world was collapsing and i was in limbo for over 4 months when i found out that over $1m in charity funds for the organization I worked for had been taken while i was the signatory. Apparently, four Fraudulent invoices had been raised by a regular company who has been our client for over some years, the invoices were for some services the company did and we were meant to make payments on them, there had been several correspondences between the CFO and myself for sometime updating in the request to pay, unbeknownst to me i had been in talks with a stranger who had taken over the client’s company email and was impersonating the CFO. The payments were completed by me and Two weeks later, i got another mail from the same company with an authentic E-mail requesting for payment. We launched an audit into the transactions and that was when it became obvious what had happened.

      I felt like leaving my body and i became ill immediately, as if that was not enough a criminal investigation was launched into the case and i was placed on an investigative suspension till the whole process was over. I felt sick and beat up and always had bad thoughts about myself, but i also felt the need to prove my innocence and have a clean history.

      I spoke to a law enforcement officer evaluating the case and he told me the bottom line which was the saddest truth, in his words “Leigh even though I believe you are innocent the records and transactions showed you authorized the payment” I later found it was going to be almost impossible to find out who the perpetrators are conventional. He later asked me to reach out to Opto Intelligence and see what they could dig up.

      I wasted no time as this seemed like the only way to exonerate myself, i filled out an enquiry form and got my investigation started. i would want to emphasis that Opto Intelligence were very professional, kind and very swift in processing my case. The agent attached to my complaints gave me a follow-up and would always update me on the latest findings. This process took just Nine(9) days and i was given a detailed report showing the perpetrators’ account details, the original E-mail used, the recent location, and the correspondence leading to the transactions. I got enough evidence to take to the law agencies where a proper litigation case was instituted. I am super happy my Organization has been able to receive some of the funds back and my innocence has been proven. Opto Intelligence is living up to its name and has made me believe the worst financial crime could be exhumed and settled.


      June 12, 2023

      Dear Leigh,

      Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We are glad that we were able to help you and your organization. At Opto Intelligence, we take pride in our professionalism, kindness, and swiftness in processing cases. We are committed to finding the truth and providing our clients with the evidence they need to take legal action. We are thrilled to hear that our investigation helped you to exonerate yourself and recover some of the funds that were taken from your organization. We believe that justice should always be served, and we are committed to doing our part in helping victims of financial crimes. Thank you, Leigh, for putting your trust in us.


      Tracy Radcliffe
      Opto Intelligence

  • Tamara Guzman
    November 19, 2023
    Mexico city
    • Dear Opto Intelligence,

      I just wanted to express my gratitude for the help you provided me during a difficult time. I had been a victim of a scam, and I felt ashamed to tell anyone about it. I had sent a total of $211,000 to someone I met online who claimed to be an investment expert. He promised me a 15% return on my investment in just two months. I kept investing more and more money, but I was never able to withdraw my funds. Then, the company’s website was taken down, and my friend disappeared along with my money.

      I felt lost and alone until I found Opto Intelligence. I was hesitant at first, but I decided to reach out to them for help. Michael was very helpful and understanding. He listened to my story and provided me with expert advice. He asked me to provide him with all the necessary details, and he started investigating the case.

      Thanks to Opto Intelligence, I found out that my friend was not who he claimed to be. He was living in China, not California as he had told me. I also found out that this was a “pig butchering” scam, and the company had taken over $14m from innocent people all around the world. Luckily, the company had assumed they could never be tracked, and this led to the confiscation of all their accounts and the arrest of their co-perpetrators living in the United States.

      I am grateful to Opto Intelligence for helping me get justice. I followed all the instructions provided by Michael, and it was the closest I came to getting a solution. I can now confidently say that I am back on my feet again, all thanks to Opto Intelligence.

      Thank you once again.

      November 20, 2023
      Dear, Tamara

      Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with Opto Intelligence. We are glad

      to hear that we can help you during a difficult time and provide you with the necessary support and guidance.

      We understand that falling victim to a scam can be a stressful and traumatic experience, and we are proud to have been able to assist you in your efforts to recover your funds. Our team works tirelessly to help people who have been scammed, and we are delighted to have made a positive impact on your life.

      We are also happy to hear that you found Michael’s advice and investigation helpful. Our team of experts is always ready and willing to go the extra mile to provide our clients with the best possible service and support.

      Thank you once again for choosing Opto Intelligence. We hope that you will continue to trust us in the future and recommend our services to others who may need them.


      Tracy Radcliffe
      Opto Intelligence